Moms: always looking out for others, but who is looking out for them?
We have all used the saying “not all superheroes wear capes” to describe our moms, but have you ever used the saying “even superheroes need help”? It is time that we start supporting, acknowledging, and taking care of our moms, because while they may be superwomen, sometimes they need some help too.
We are all about celebrating our moms, so we are launching our Hatzolah Care's for Moms initiative for this exact intention - to acknowledge the high's and low's of being a mom, and to raise awareness about the importance of looking after our community of mothers. We want our community to become mindful of the different hardship's mothers may experience during the lifecycles of their children, from birth to early adulthood and beyond. Because a mother's job never stops.

In the first few weeks of caring for a newborn, moms may feel a whole mixture of feelings. They may feel elated, sad, happy and anxious. In fact the first year can be a real challenge. Moms are so busy attending to their babies that they often neglect themselves. Having a baby is a big transition physically and emotionally.
This programme is designed specifically to assist moms with this transition and to identify when emotional or physical conditions require treatment.
Who should sign up?
- Anyone who is pregnant
If you are an expecting mom sign up and receive a Hatzolah cares for moms pack. A little bit of help goes a long way
- Anyone who has had a baby in the last 12 months and would like to be monitored
- Anyone who has already been monitored but is now experiencing difficulty in the first year of parenting
Here are some tips and information on post-natal depression, vaccine awareness, emotional, physical and intellectual development of tiny tots, toddlers, children and teens, parenting tips and preventative health care for moms.
Being a new parent is challenging. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the normal stressors that come along with bringing a new baby into the world, making things even more difficult. At Hatzolah we are aware of the enormous contribution that mothers make in our community and the
importance of looking after their physical and mental well-being. Hatzolah Cares about Moms is a new brand that aims to acknowledge and highlight the struggles and achievements of all moms at different phases of motherhood, right from moms of newborns to moms of adult children.

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