Stop the bleed

Recognising that 3 – 5 minutes can mean the difference between life and death in the case of traumatic bleeding, Hatzolah has placed “Stop the Bleed” kits in all schools and shuls, providing the necessary lifesaving equipment for the layman to effectively stop major bleeding until the paramedics arrive. This campaign includes a video, social media posts, and posters/pamphlets distributed throughout the community.
The kit
Traumatic injuries can cause one to panic, even if not injured yourself. Having a clear understanding of your course of action will help you to help others.
Take note of the following tips and precautions:
First, call Hatzolah – 083 222 1818
Access the Stop the Bleed Kit found in all shuls and schools
If at any time, your own safety is threatened, attempt to remove yourself (and the patient if possible) from danger and find a safe location.
When Helping A Victim, Look For Life-Threatening Bleeding
Open or remove the clothing over the wound, by removing clothing, you will be able to see injuries that may have been hidden or covered and find the source of bleeding.
Look for and identify “life-threatening” bleeding. Examples include:
Blood that is spurting out of the wound.
When the flow of blood is continuous.
Blood that is pooling on the ground.
Clothing that is soaked with blood.
Bandages that are soaked with blood.
Loss of all or part of an arm or leg.
Bleeding in a victim who is now confused or unconscious.
There are a number of ways or techniques to use when controlling a life-threatening bleed using the contents of the Stop The Bleed Kit. The aim of controlling the bleed is to compress the wounded blood vessels in order to stop the bleeding.

To Compress With Pressure:
Apply direct pressure to the wound for at least ten minutes. Do not lift the gauze to see if bleeding has stopped. If blood is still seeping through the gauze or cloth, apply more gauze or bandages to the wound, over the existing layers. Never remove the bottom layers.

Applying A Tourniquet:
Wrap the tourniquet around the bleeding arm or leg as high as possible above the wound (never on a joint).
Pull the free end of the tourniquet to make it as tight as possible and secure the free end.
Twist or wind the windlass until bleeding stops.
Secure the windlass to keep the tourniquet tight.
Note the time the tourniquet was applied.
Note: A tourniquet will cause pain but it is necessary to stop life-threatening bleeding.