Anaphylaxis can be life threatening, but you can save a life if you ACT in time.

Don’t text and drive
Don’t text and drive. It won’t end well! What seems important now won’t matter later.

Seizure first aid
Seizures are not uncommon and given the proper care can ensure that the person recovers well after a seizure. Should you encounter someone having a seizure, the most important thing is not to panic and act irrationally.

Recognising a Heart Attack
The important thing to note is that the warning signs of a heart attack will vary from person to person.

Buckle up
Protect the ones you love and always buckle up. It’s not just around the corner or down the road. A high percentage of car accidents occur within 10kms of your home.

Fire prevention
It’s the middle of the night, and a faint roaring, crackling sound has woken you from sleep.
Would you know what to do in such a horrific situation? Do you have the tools and know-how to keep your family and pets safe if a house fire occurs?