As discussed in previous editions, Hatzolah have successfully managed our own small blood database.
On occasions where the national blood bank runs short of blood we have contacted people in our blood
database and asked them to come forward to donate directly for the patient that has approached us.
We have also previously been approached by members of the public looking particularly for bone
marrow donors as no bone marrow match was found in the national database. Unfortunately we were
unable to help at that time.
In the light of the above, Life2Life was born, which is an organisation that was founded to educate and
raise awareness of blood and organ donation primarily within the South African Jewish community.
This includes the donation of blood, platelets, bone marrow, kidney donation and organ donation from
a deceased person where appropriate.
The organisation is founded on the principle in Jewish thought that a person that saves a life saves an
entire universe. This principle is a fundamental principle in Jewish thought and overrides almost every
other commandment such is its centrality.
Life2Life does not provide medical services but rather directs potential donors towards appropriate
medical service providers who excel in their ϐields and will ensure the donor experience is as safe as
possible as well as uplifting.
In addition, Life2Life aims to create a database of patients who approach the organisation in need of one
of the above-mentioned medical donations, as well as a database of potential donors so that where the
need arises, a donor can be directed to the necessary medical facilities for further testing to become a
direct donor.
Life2Life operates in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards as required by both
Jewish law and the law of South Africa.
For more information and to register to be a donor go to www.Life2Life.org.za