1. We often spend a lot of time driving up and down streets looking for the correct
Remove any
Make sure that your house number is clear and easily visible.
bushes, hedges and creepers fromyourwall aroundyour house number.
2. Most people can tell us their home address but have a hard time giving us the street
address of their closest friends and family. Save these physical street addresses in
your phone, younever knowwhenyoumight needus.
3. Dispatchers ask a lot of questions so that they can send you the right resources. Elite
emergency medicine is about the right people, with the right equipment, arriving at
the right time - theyneed to get all three correct fromthe initial call dispatch.
4. When you are waiting for us to arrive make it obvious that you are the caller by
turning on your outside lights or if possible please send someone outside to flag us
down. If you have a security guard then let them know that we are coming so that
they can let us inquickly.
5. Have a standing instruction with your security guards, boom operators, front desk -
when Hatzolah personnel arrive, let us in, no questions asked. When minutes count,
filling in forms and signing booklets can cost lives.
6. The stress of calling an ambulance is high but when you can't find the keys andwe are
outside the stress is extreme! We have regularly stood outside waiting for people to
unlock their homes to let us in. When you call us start preparing, get the keys and
wait to let us in.
7. When you call us, please put your pets away. Your dogs don't know us and we don't
know them. We can't risk being bitten. Oftenwe get to scene quickly and then end up
waiting a long time outside for the familyRottweilers tobe put away.
8. Keep a spare set of keys for your Grannies house - we bash down a lot of doors trying
to gain access to elderly patientswho have fallen and are unable to let us in. Family or
trustworthy neighbours should keep a spare set of keys. Thiswill not only allowus in
quicker butwill save you the costs of installing a newdoor later.
15 Ways you can help us save lives